à outrance|a outrance in English


(French) "to the utmost", to the very end

Use "à outrance|a outrance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "à outrance|a outrance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "à outrance|a outrance", or refer to the context using the word "à outrance|a outrance" in the English Dictionary.

1. On la savait déjà Avengeresse venimeuse pour la Marvel, voici désormais notre Scarlett cybernétisée à outrance, promue major de la section 9 chargée de traquer les cybercriminels qui menacent l’intégrité de l’Etat

2. Grave (à)

3. Religion à la Carte

4. Chicken à la mode.

5. Bœuf à la mode.

6. A greater latitude in ventilatory volume was permissible in Group c subjects to attain à homogeneous result within à desired range of Paco2 levels. Severe acidaemia was not à problem.

7. Apple pie à la mode.

8. "Mẹ ơi, cha con đâu rồi?" – "À, ông ấy lên thiên đường rồi con à."

9. Yes, it was a waffle à la mode, dear.

10. Fancy my porridge à la walnuts?

11. I like it à la mode.

12. Display in blue, à la mode

13. And the pie à la mode.

14. Ou à commander (frais de port en sus) à This e-mail address is being protected from spambots.

15. The à-la-carte restaurant, Pasteria Toscana, offers a green terrace.

16. Somebody called it religion à la carte.”

17. Marriage à la mode, my dear Plunkett.

18. Somebody called it religion à la carte.

19. And for dessert you're gonna get a little Whitney à la mode.

20. A collection of songs that are simultaneously à la mode and ageless.

21. Furthermore there is a nice à la carte restaurant with various choices.

22. American unilateralism is in fact a form of "multilateralism à la carte".

23. Go back to Marriage à-la-mode: 5.

24. Accruals (Charges à payer) Continually recurring short-term liabilities.

25. Nó nói nó sẽ ủi đồ - thật thế à!